Hi, My name is Rory…and I don’t like talking about myself. So, given the amount I’m about to talk about myself…just know, I didn’t like it.
I started making art about the same time as you lot, except I didn’t stop. I was lucky to have parents who both didn’t know much about art and were also lackadaisically encouraging. This meant I got to figure most of it out on my own while being intermittently given art supplies. I had starry eyes about the art world and dreamed (as a teenager) of living in a giant, loft, NYC apartment and making art for the rich. Then the internet happened and the world was flooded with images and information. I was overwhelmed, and lost a great deal of motivation.
I started working in juvenile corrections, the moved to working in psych hospitals. To quote Sara Bareilles, “That place and its patrons have taken more than I gave 'em.” Twenty years, a child, a few relationships and a great deal of moving later, I’m here. I’ve abandoned any need for fame and fortune, but instead valuing friends, specific family members, and enjoying art again.
I like artist’s that make me uncomfortable, or rethink something I was marginally sure about. I really don’t like censorship. I would love to create some art that slaps your brain around, gets it out of bed and gets it on the treadmill for a couple of minutes.
That is just about a paragraph and a sentence too much…I’m done.